Preliminary Miscellaneous Results

Gender Classification Across Race on Ocular

  • Training and Testing Dataset used - VISOB + Notredame
  • Test Data is Limited and Imbalanced
TABLE I: Gender Classification results across race groups - Ocular Datasets.
Race Male Female
White 82.42 89.92
South Asian 96.51 88.88
Black 78.57 72.10
Middle Eastern 71.12 93.08
Latino 84.83 91.61

Face vs PeriOcular Modality (RGB Spectrum)

  • Dataset Under Investigation - FlickrFaceHQ Aging
  • Resolution - 1024 X 1024
TABLE II: Gender Classification results across Face vs Periocular on FFHQ-Aging.
Male Female Modality
97.6 96.8 Face
92.5 91.6 Ocular
Sreeraj Ramachandran
Sreeraj Ramachandran
Graduate Research Assistant

My research interests include Computer Vision, Biometrics, Bias AI, GANs and adversarial Attacks

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